podcast #21 released

[rss] [web] podcast 21 released notes: 2 years on the MP3 podcast train. / twitter / EMI / elections / music by linda coogan / youtube take downs

Categorized as podcast

St. Patrick the Podcaster

the latest (#16 feedburner podcast) In this special St. Patrick’s Day edition of the FeedBurner Podcast, Corey and Liam of the Irish Fireside Podcast ponder “What if St. Patrick had been a podcaster?â€? Tune in for an interview with a 300-pound leprechaun, a delectable recipe for corned beef and cabbage pizza, and some advice for…

Talking Voices arrives in Ireland

[lifted from here]  We’re delighted to announce that Brian Greene, who won the IIA Netvisionary Podcaster Awards in November 2006 is now representing Talking Voices in Ireland. Brian’s a truly creative, innovative and highly skilled podcaster producing podcasts on both a personal and professional level. He has already built a portfolio of clients in Ireland…

irish ferries strike

below are links to an MP3 podcast on the RTE server of a radio programme dealing with the issues of the Irish Ferries strike. sig tune Billy Bragg – There is power in the Union – presented & produced by Fiona Kelly. [photos by bhg 2006 & 2005]