the irish sun [Rpt]

first here 16/3/07 ~ irish sun editorial 16/march/2007 “like it or not, globalisation the free market and fossil fuels are the forces that will do most to deliver rising living standards for the world’s poorest” ok so globalisation the free market = capitalism has done what for the worlds poor? created the largest divide between…

Live Earth 070707

as seen on 1W 11463Mhz SR6075 FEC 7/8 more feeds at or feedhunter group

wake up to volunteering

You spend hours in gridlock to return to a county other that the one you work in, one you began commuting from home 14 hours ago. Your next in line to get off the slip road and onto the regional pothole network that will take you home, its 7.45PM and you haven’t seen your kids…

Categorized as enviro

where’s wally: say no to tagging

[bbc news] Scientists’ hopes are now pinned on one walrus to help them understand where the animals of west Greenland migrate over the summer months. Of the eight satellite tags the BBC saw attached to walruses in April, seven now appear to have stopped working.

Categorized as enviro

Willie Corduff, Nobel Peace Prize Winner (Environment)

how much does it cost shell to buy the favour of the Govt.? [kevin t walsh writes over on] I also ask the most pertinent question ………. Why has no-one Minister, the President, the Taoiseach, the Church not congratulated this man on his Global Achievement. In any other country, Willie Corduff would be a…