Tuesday’s Child

great cause great music 31 tracks on 2 CDs

Categorized as music

Closing Down Medium Wave 567Khz – A Grave Error

the following text has been passed to me by the very respected broadcast engineer Enda O’Kane who campaigns for the research group Irish Overseas Broadcasting as part of efforts to improve Ireland’s radio links with Ireland’s emigrants. On March 24th, RTE’s national medium wave service will be switched off. Starting 1932 Radio Athlone from the…

Categorized as radio

A global shock to the system

Global capitalism faces its worst crisis since 1945. by Lynn Walsh, Socialist Party Global capitalism faces its worse crisis since the end of the second world war. “This is not a normal crisis”, financier George Soros told the gloomy delegates attending this year’s Davos forum of big business leaders. “We are at the end of…

Categorized as politics