Twitter Updates for 2007-07-17

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  • rainfall Dublin june 2006 26mm / june 2007 126mm source: 1meter extra flowing to the sea. #
  • my Irish Ladies Pole Dancing is still bringing in the hits #
  • blog post title of the day “Prepare for the winter of our disco tents” #
  • RTE had widescreen info on pape 192 of Aertel teletext; I suggested 169 /16:9 for obvious reasons, they put it on page 168 #
  • remembering how poor the general conversation used be on CB radio, comms2.0 is much more self selecting. #
  • chasing ghosts & phantom carriers on mw dial; too much cpu radio smog from wireless computing, killall -9 xda,palm,DSlite #
  • wrapping prezzies with the kids for mammys birthday 2moro (its summer they run all day and refuse to sleep) #
  • now im on a Win98 machine as it has 9 pin comm to palm Vx where Im re installing planetarium, there was a wonderful clear sky last night! #
  • now im worrying what baud rate this is as its so slow to sync. baud has almost left my vocabulary; baud was ASAP;that was slow 5MB 8minutes? #
  • note to radio stations:- “if you cant tell me something you can’t sell me something” . #

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