Twitter Updates for 2007-06-13

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  • @TrevorSargent 13/06/07 to do List: Blend GP into FF &get 76% vote, resign party leadership, remember Shannon Rossport Sellafield & Peak Oil #
  • [FN] residents of Varse in Northern Italy have pleaded with thieves to return the letter V in their town name; is Fr. Jack on tour in Italy? #
  • @conn morning ireland podcast 7&8 June stilling missing in action #
  • WIPO broadcasting treaty is moving again very worrying signs for indie podcasters more at #
  • noticing there is no green in bertie’s allsorts #
  • google’s keeps tweaking it atom spec without warning hurting my crappy atom2html perl on a few client sites #
  • @stephencrowley hitting F5 on yer twitter page to see if 34% of GP give FF the CTRL-ALT-DEL #
  • Green Party vote to go into Govt 441:67 #
  • IIS over Ireland 00:04am 14Jun starts 0:04:31 10 degress altitude due West MAX 00:06:59 26deg SSW ENDS 00:07:53 22deg South magnitude 0.4 #

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