late late puppini sisters

Published Categorized as social networking, television

rather that sit through the Late Late show for the puppini sisters I just TV’ed it of myspace from the sharon osbourne show. do I get a reduction in tv licence fee for this? no; someone must still make the content and pay the camera men; or do RTE just lose a viewer of adverts; I already own a renault; if I watch content on a network divorced from its creator, how does its creator monetise on it. ? So tv eye balls are moving to you tubed content and YouTube (google) content is moving to TV. Well if not YouTube then Revver content; reports

In what seems like a significant move, online user-generated content player Revver has teamed up with FameTV, which is set to launch in the UK on November 6th as part of their Sky Digital Network and promises to be the world’s first channel to run fully on user-generated content. The official details can be found on the Revver blog.

I found this not via tailrank but via a good old scan of the Astra Satellite system as I do every other week. I found Fame TV on live (yes live) test of its TV GUI .. see 11428 H 22000-5/6 @ 28.x East

UGC has arrived on TV like podcasts have hit radio. Content is King; the King is in his altogether (web1.oh-shit); then web2.oh-my-gawd; I’ve got the picture.