ballad of irish love

Published Categorized as politics

Excellent performance by an Taoiseach on six-one news, who needs reality TV when this is the news. Last nights spin dryer could not have predicted such a whiter than white outcome, Oscar nomination in the post.

monies donated by a who’s who of semi state and state board appointees, only jobs for the friends not because monies were owed them. so today became the day it went on record that friends get the jobs not the talented or suitable but friends. friends friends friends that happen to be in business and political friends that are chief fundraisers for the party. so lets see that as, political friends and business acquaintances. the £39k is equivalent to €500,000 in todays property, ahern side stepped dobson’s question beautifully claiming his house cost £200K but that was long after ’93. this saga ain’t over, but the opposition seem to lack the instinct to finish off this one. There are sad cases in the family courts every day of the week, with lives on the line and a thin line of legal aid to protect the parties that find them self in such cases. Fianna Fail PD govt. cut legal aid budget in 2003, they also cut funding to Free Legal Advice Centres.

While FF get twisting their knickers dry, as the look for the leak, I for one will not shed a tear for the whip around taoiseach. this sorry saga opens a window into how the powerful live.
bertie un
so what was the lesson at school today
that stealing cars is a mortal sin
and so you’re preaching of morals, justice & war
who needs tomorrow today is enough
when you’re living a life of irish love

ballad of irish love – In Tua Nua.
b-side of ‘seven into the sea’

Categorized as politics